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Along with the popular HDD(Hard Disk Drive) starts to be replaced by SSD(Solid State Disk). Although to popularize Solid State Disk with a larger storing space includes other equipment to pair up. IC Memory Controller company PHISON in his article has written that Solid State Disk will pair up with the newest auto cooling system in the future.

RE10X10 Taiwan reused energy project
T-Global has join RE10X10 Taiwan reused energy project, we’re devoting on accomplishing 10% Green energy with 2050, proving to the society and people who is against green energy that energy transition and carbon reduction are activities that everyone can participate, no matter how big of the scale or what genre your company is.

Electric vehicle used batteries Industry
In 2021, China is the world’s biggest market for EVs and nearly 94% of the discarded weight of lithium-ion batteries used in vehicles. The grow of guiding EV pure electric vehicles and PHV plug-in gasoline electric vehicles along with Chinese government policies from around 2015.