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How can we enhance thermal dissipation in medical technology amidst such rapid technological innovation? Solely focusing on thermal dissipation isn’t enough, we need a diverse integration of R&D, materials, and services in order to successfully overcome critical heat dissipation challenges. T-Global is at the forefront of heat dissipation technology, utilizing a comprehensive integration of partnerships with various universities, research centers and industries to provide the most suitable thermal management solutions for our clients.
Ultrasound Devices
Wearable Sleep Monitoring Devices
Blood Testers
Medical Monitors
Abdominal ultrasound monitors, endoscope monitors, X-ray backlighting and other monitors require high brightness and high image resolution. Non-silicon thermal tape can be used, as it has excellent thermal conductivity and is highly reliable.
Medical Equipment
High precision equipment and testing instruments require consistent performance and quality. We recommend using high thermal conductivity products to increase the performance and life of the equipment.