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TG4040 Thermal Putty
- Silicone-type spacer with great long term reliability
- Lower thermal resistance than thermal pads
- Physical property between liquid and solid state
- Elimination of different gap between heat source and the heatsink
- Can be applied with dispenser
TG4040 is a thermal putty and a gap filler between solid and liquid with excellent thermal conductivity of 3.2W/m·K, low thermal resistance, and excellent long-term reliability. Only a small amount of TG putty is needed to fill the uneven gaps. This improves the flexible processability of the manufacturing end, is thinner, does not overflow, and does not harden, which is very suitable for components that do not require high-strength mechanical structural bonding, and provides better thermal conductivity.
The thermal conductivity of TG4040 PUTTY reaches 3.2W/mK. Its thermal conductivity method is the same as that of thermal pads. TG4040 PUTTY products are very suitable for applications where thermally conductive silicon films cannot become the first choice, including the current very popular electric vehicles, as well as power supply, 5G communications, etc. It is between solid and liquid from TG. It’s one of the major advantages is its easy-to-spread characteristics. It is more suitable for uneven surfaces than thermal conductive silicon film Application, and more evenly fills the gap between the thermal component and the heat sink. The heat transfer can be maximized, and finally, the heat is dissipated through the radiator. And because it can be used as a thin layer, thermally conductive paste can provide better thermal conductivity and lower thermal mass than thermally conductive silicon film.
Electronic components - 5G, Aerospace, AI, AIoT, AR/VR/MR/XR, Automotive, Consumer Devices, Datacom, Electric Vehicle, Electronic Products, Energy Storage, Industrial, Lighting Equipment, Medical, Military, Netcom, Panel, Power Electronics, Robot, Servers, Smart Home, Telecom, etc.
Operation Manual

Push the latch and insert the stick.

Put the tube in and twist.

Close the cover.

Take off the plug.