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TG-ASD35AB Thermally Conductive Gel
- Good thermal conductivity
- Pistol friendly & easy assembly
- A:B=1:1
- Cured by room temperature or heating
Thermally Conductive Gel has a shelf-life of 12 months from the date of manufacture, as indicated by the lot number, when stored in the original, should be unopened container at or below 25°C.
Electronic Components - 5G, Aerospace, AI, AIoT, AR/VR/MR/XR, Automotive, Consumer Devices, Datacom, Electric Vehicle, Electronic Products, Energy, Storage, Industrial, Lighting Equipment, Medical, Military, Netcom, Panel, Power Electronics, Robot, Servers, Smart Home, Telecom, etc.
①Mix component A and B.
② Vacuum out air.
③ Pour potting compound.
① Push the latch and insert the stick.
② Put the tube in.
③ Close the cover.