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Along with the popular HDD(Hard Disk Drive) starts to be replaced by SSD(Solid State Disk). Although to popularize Solid State Disk with a larger storing space includes other equipment to pair up. IC Memory Controller company PHISON in his article has written that Solid State Disk will pair up with the newest auto cooling system in the future.
Currently, NVMe storage drive module or PCIe gen5 drive module and other standard drive module in the future will all pair up with active cooling dans increasing the efficiency. PHISON has point out that now solid state disk with high efficacy M.2 socket are all paired up with heat sink and other heat dissipating devices to increase the benefit of heat dissipating.
In addition, some of the SSD are equipped with heat pipes and miniature cooling fans, which look like general CPU or GPU cooling solutions. It is expected that SSD will eventually use heat pipes and cooling fans to deal with cooling issues.
SSD will require heat dissipation modules, which are required for fast data reading and writing, and must have complex memory and control ICs for execution. Reading and writing starts to require more power, therefore, high heat is generated.
Once the temperature sensor detects that the temperature of the SSD is too high, it will reduce the performance, or even completely disable the read and write functions to prevent data damage.
In addition to the problem of the SSD solid state drive module, the similar situation also occurs with a CPU or GPU that is close to the high temperature but without a proper heat dissipating solution. Laptop, blade servers, or devices with limited space are more serious and need a heat dissipating solution.
The performance of SSD starts to decline when the temperature reaches 50°C in generally. NAND Flash will cause potential damage if the temperature continues to rise; when it reaches 80°C, the read and write functions of SSD will be completely shut down. With the new heat sinks device may improve SSD performance, fan less devices may be launch on the market. At present, in order to let the PCIe Gen5 standard driver module to have a better effect, we may need to reserve more space above the M.2 slot.

Professor Wei-Keng Lin
Education|Ph.D., University of Maryland
Occupation|Professor, National Tsing Hua University
Specialty|Electronic package heat dissipation, Heat pipe, Loop heat pipes(CPL,LHP,PHP), Energy-saving design, Solar heat storage and cooling, Heat flow system, Cooling of electronic components, Two-phase flow, Heat transfer elements of artificial satellite and high-altitude flying object