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Known as the third-generation solar cell "perovskite"
Known as the third-generation solar cell "perovskite", it has gradually moved out of the laboratory and entered the commercial scale. Taiwan Perovskite Technology make Taiwan's largest "A4-sized" perovskite solar cell debuted for the first time this year and will provide customers with a complete solution integrating materials, process technology and professional equipments will expand the application of existing solar panels to construction, agricultural and electricity symbiosis, and even generate electricity indoors.
First, let us figure out what a perovskite battery is? Why are they called third-generation solar cells?
The world is promoting net-zero emissions by 2050, with solar and wind power being the two mainly sources of renewable energy. However, most traditional solar cells use "silicon wafer". The energy conversion efficiency of solar panels using silicon on the market has reached 22%, which is the limit. Moreover, silicon is an opaque material and its applications are relatively limited. Perovskite solar cells are the most promising alternative to silicon solar cell technology.
• The first generation is based on monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon, which have the longest development time and the most mature technology.
• The second generation is thin-film solar cells, which are amorphous silicon solar cells and has low energy conversion efficiency.
• There are three third-generation technologies: organic solar energy (OPV), dye-sensitive solar energy (DSC), and perovskite solar energy (PSC). Among them, perovskite solar energy is the most mature, and the energy conversion efficiency has exceeded 25%.
What are the three types of perovskite batteries?
A faint orange color appears on the surface of the perovskite solar cells. Taiwan Perovskite Technology shows three different types of perovskite solar cells, including transmissive, semi-transmissive and opaque solar cells. The difference lies in the extent to which the sun's rays penetrate the solar panel and its application.
Penetrating type- used on glass walls in buildings to retain indoor light and supplement by generating electricity.
Semi-permeable type-used in agricultural symbiosis, part of it is used to generate electricity, other parts being photosynthesis of plants.
Impermeable type-used in power generation, absorbing sunlight to generate electricity.
Perovskite solar cells having "light-transmissive" are suitable for agricultural and electricity symbiosis.
In particular, Taiwan is now focusing on developing “one site, multiple uses” solar energy bases, such as agricultural and electricity symbiosis, fish and electricity symbiosis, etc. In the past, Taiwan promoted agricultural symbiosis, mostly using solar energy to grow mushrooms, because mushrooms require less sunlight. “Perovskite" solar cells can transmits light and generate electricity, which will be a disruptive innovation for agricultural development.
From the perspective of material acquisition 80% of silicon material minerals for traditional solar cells com from China, and there is a problem of over-concentration in the supply chain. Perovskite solar energy cells are organic metal halide material with excellent photoelectric properties, and Taiwan can develop then on its own. However, the current challenge lies in the “large area manufacturing process” and “poor stability” that still need to overcome.

Professor Wei-Keng Lin
Education|Ph.D., University of Maryland
Occupation|Professor, National Tsing Hua University
Specialty|Electronic package heat dissipation, Heat pipe, Loop heat pipes(CPL,LHP,PHP), Energy-saving design, Solar heat storage and cooling, Heat flow system, Cooling of electronic components, Two-phase flow, Heat transfer elements of artificial satellite and high-altitude flying object