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MAHLE Responds to the Significant Growth Trend in Electric Vehicles by Introducing Enhanced Cooling Electric Compressor
MAHLE has successfully established itself as a supplier for electric vehicles. One of the bestselling products in this field is the electric air conditioning compressor, and the technology group from Stuttgart has secured numerous orders in both the passenger and commercial vehicle sectors, with a total order volume of approximately 1.4 billion euros. Recently, MAHLE has introduced the most powerful electric compressor currently available on the market, boasting a peak power of 18 kW (approximately 24 hp). The electric compressor is a critical component at the heart of electric vehicle thermal management. Key components play a crucial role in temperature control for electric propulsion, impacting battery lifespan, charging speed, and overall driving range. Additionally, it ensures comfort in the vehicle cabin. Arnd Franz, Chairman and CEO of the MAHLE Group Management Board, stated, "MAHLE will continue to expand its role as a comprehensive system supplier for electric vehicle air conditioning."
With the electric air conditioning compressor, MAHLE is a pioneer in high-voltage technology, surpassing the typical 400-volt level used in conventional electric vehicles. The compressor's large displacement capacity enables ultra-fast charging, a critical feature for modern electric vehicles. The high-pressure compressors currently offered by MAHLE operate in a voltage range of up to 900 volts, with a displacement capacity of up to 57 cc. Its compact design allows it to be utilized across all vehicle categories, from passenger cars to heavy-duty commercial vehicles. The patented refrigerant cooling, combined with the compressor motor and electronic components, makes it possible to have minimal installation space requirements.
One of the significant challenges faced by battery-powered electric vehicles is cabin noise. Without the internal combustion engine, passengers are more sensitive to even the slightest vibrations and noise. MAHLE's noise-optimized high-pressure compressor effectively generates minimal vibrations, ensuring a smooth operation and optimal acoustic performance.
In addition to electric compressors for electric vehicles, MAHLE also develops and manufactures electric pushrods, auxiliary components, engine accessories, auxiliary assemblies, electronic equipment and software, as well as entire thermal management systems. Electric vehicles and thermal management are strategic focus areas for the technology group. Between 2022 and 2026, more than 20 electric vehicle platforms from leading passenger and commercial vehicle manufacturers will be introduced to the market, incorporating MAHLE's technology and products. As a result, the supplier has fully embarked on a transformative path. Currently, over 60% of MAHLE's sales are independent of internal combustion engine passenger cars, and this proportion is expected to increase to 75% by 2030.

Professor Wei-Keng Lin
Education|Ph.D., University of Maryland
Occupation|Professor, National Tsing Hua University
Specialty|Electronic package heat dissipation, Heat pipe, Loop heat pipes(CPL,LHP,PHP), Energy-saving design, Solar heat storage and cooling, Heat flow system, Cooling of electronic components, Two-phase flow, Heat transfer elements of artificial satellite and high-altitude flying object