What is chip cold plate liquid cooling?

What is chip cold plate liquid cooling?

The cold plate of a chip is placed above the heat-generating components (CPU, GPU, memory modules) and absorbs and removes the heat from the chip through either single-phase or two-phase cold plates. Single-phase cold plate liquid cooling uses coolant circulating through the cold plate via the CDU to absorb the heat from the server.

Educational Materials
Thermal Simulation and Safety Design of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules

Thermal Simulation and Safety Design of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules

In electric vehicle applications, ensuring the safety of batteries and battery modules is the most important thing to protect the lives and property of vehicle occupants. The design and manufacturing of these battery modules primarily address the heat management issues of the battery pack, keeping safety in mind.

Educational Materials
Immersion Cooling

Immersion Cooling

Over than 90% of servers which was used in data centers were produced by Intel which headquarter is in Taiwan.
Intel Taiwan launched an Open IP(Open Intellectual Property) Immersion Cooling Modular Reference Solutions which will authorized to the partner.

Educational Materials
What is Thermal Bridging?

What is Thermal Bridging?

Thermal bridge, as known as cold bridge. Thermal bridge is used to describe an area or a material that conducts heat better than surrounding areas, thereby providing a path of least thermal resistance for heat transfer.

Educational Materials
Thermal Bridge

Thermal Bridge

Compared to the traditional thermal technique, Thermal Bridge offers twice the thermal conductivity of performance.

Educational Materials
Carbon Right

Carbon Right

The subject or commodity traded in carbon trading is carbon right, which could be a permit to emit carbon or a carbon emission reduction effect. The measurement unit would be the carbon dioxide equivalent per ton (tCO2e).

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