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Conflict Minerals Statement

T-Global hereby declares that all products supplied to our customers are made using conflict-free minerals. At the same time, we are endeavoring to thoroughly investigate the supply chain to ensure that metals such as gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co) and tin (Sn) are not mined from conflict zones in the DRC by anarchist or illegal groups or obtained through illegal smuggling.
In addition, exports of metals from the following countries do not meet the ConflictFree Policy: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya (all of which are recognized by the UN Security Council as producing minerals from the Congo vein).
We guarantee that any metal contained in any product sold to our customers will be DRC Conflict-Free and hereby pledge:
- To not purchase conflict minerals from conflict areas.
- To require our suppliers to refuse to use conflict minerals from conflict areas and to sign a Conflict Free Minerals pledge to T-Global.
- To require our suppliers to manage their upstream and downstream suppliers in compliance with the conflict minerals free requirement.
- To make our best efforts to trace the source of materials and refuse to use conflict minerals from conflict areas.